Thought for a lifetime

Einstein made the very important observation that " Imagination is more important than knowledge ".

Friday, January 22, 2010


The following 3 posts show quilts I saw at a giant fabulous quilt show at Ontario Convention Center. This annual quilt show is called Road To California
I think quilters were the first to use tiny blocks of color to create giant images. Now it is done in advertising and graphics but, quilters cut, sew and compose each little square. Think about it...each corner has to line up perfectly. I think I would either go blind or insane if I tried to create a quilt in this fashion.

These quilts were just amazing. Nothing like your great great grandma might have sewn. It's art and fabric is the medium.


Every year Hoffman fabric selects one of its beautiful fabrics to be used in a worldwide contest. Entries are accepted in clothing, purses and dolls. The winners and top entries tour the USA and there they were at the Road To California. The fabric for 2009 is the green paisley print on the Hoffman Challenge Banner. Check out their website to see this years' fabric because ANYONE can enter. ( I actually had a jacket that made the tour in the 90s ).


I always love the more traditional quilts and absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE flowers. Birds and flowers just capture my imagination for creative expression because naturally they're so awesome! I've been going to quilt shows for a couple decades and quilting is really an art form now and no longer predictable. It's kinda sad because celebrating incredible workmanship is overshadowed now by great showmanship. But a day at a quilt show is always inspiring...and I've never quilted!