So the beginning of July the Gallimaufry Performing Arts ( see link on right ) contacts me to re-work some marionettes. Oh yeah, and they all need to be finished by July 20 because on August 5 they all will be in Scotland performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival ( see link at right ). And I already have vacation plans for July 8 through the 12th. How hard could it be? I'd basically have about 2 weeks to transform 4 marionettes, make a brand new one, and re-string 9 marionettes.
Well, luckily marionettes make perfect clients because they hang ( ha ha ) around your studio all day, don't complain if you stick a pin in them ( or saw off parts ), don't have an opinion, don't worry a costume will make them look fat, and are quite pleased with any end result :)
The challenge of this commission is that the play is an original production of a Ray Bradbury short story and is a fantastic blend of music, dance, and human actors whom the marionettes mimic ( kinda, but not really, like a mini me ). It's really a visually striking production and quite unique with the actors/dancers on stage with the marionettes.
The problem was that the marionettes were purchased from Europe and as the show evolved the marionettes appearance became more and more ill-suited to the story.
That's when I was called.
Extreme Costume Challenge: Make the Mr. & Mrs. Wycherly marionettes more closely resemble the actors portraying Mr. & Mrs. Wycherly.