So once again a fashion launch for a guest designer at Target sold out before I ever even saw the products!
This time it was the hat launch by some New York millinery dude on Oct. 30. I went to a small Target on Nov. 1 and there was no sign of the launch so I asked a saleswoman working in accessories
" Where are the hats that were advertised in Vogue as being available Oct. 30? "
The saleslady looked at me like I was crazy and claimed to have no knowledge of any such hats. Puzzled, I looked around and saw no special hats.
The next day I stopped at a larger Target ( so it was just 3 days after the launch ) and this is what I found...
an almost empty display of the NY designer hats :(
It was the Missoni launch again-over before it started!
I wonder who is the next Target guest designer and will the product sell out before I can even admire their designs...