Thought for a lifetime

Einstein made the very important observation that " Imagination is more important than knowledge ".

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Antique Button Ring

A few weeks ago my path crossed with an antique button seller.
I could not resist about half a dozen of the old buttons just because they were so cool.
Somewhere I saw an image of a ring that I thought looked like a big button...

Step number one for my button ring was to find the same size cylinder as my finger. I simply tried a ring on lots of stuff until it fit this nail polish top perfectly. 

I already had this fine gauge gold tone wire that I'm pretty sure I purchased at a hardware store. 
And of course one of my antique buttons.

Step number two was to feed the wire through the button and around the nail polish top three times for strength. I also used pliers to pull the wire snugly so ring would be a good fit for my finger.

I twisted one end of the wire to secure the ring circle shape and the other wire end I left very long ( about 14" ) and wrapped it tightly around and around and around and around the ring circle shape.
I think wrapping the wire makes the ring look much, much better, makes the ring more comfortable, and prevents wire from snagging clothes and hair.

And tadah !
My antique button ring looks as pretty on the inside as it does on my finger.
A fashion accessory success story:)

1 comment:

  1. <3 ! I have an eclectic button collection and never thought to do this. Any time I throw away a button-adorned garment no longer worth saving, I always remove and save the buttons before tossing. I've been doing this for over 35 years. So...great idea! Thanks for the how-to.
