Thought for a lifetime

Einstein made the very important observation that " Imagination is more important than knowledge ".

Saturday, April 6, 2013

...More Amazing Millinery

Sally Caswell Millinery

Linda Ashton Fine Millinery

Cha Cha's House of Ill Repute

Harlem's Heaven Hats

Cole Porter perfectly sums up my feelings about these hats in his Night and Day lyrics;

"day and night, night and day
why is it that this longing for you 
follows me where ever I go "

He probably wasn't talking about hats, but I am!

p.s. I pulled these photos off the New York Millinery Guild website at
This is not all the guild members but what a very fun group and what great hats!

Every time I am fortunate enough to visit New York City I always feel the same...


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